Trying to meet the IOC President

August 6th, 2007

We just got back from Tiananmen Square where there is a massive stage being built for the one-year countdown on the 8th. Senior IOC officials have invited over 200 National Olympic Committees to Beijing to attend this event which will start at 7pm and be attended by 10,000 people.

While in the Square I called Robert Roxborough, the IOC Communications Coordinator, to ask for a meeting with IOC President Jacques Rogge. Roxborough had just arrived in Beijing and said that he hadn’t had a chance to figure out the schedule yet. I explained that I had written an open letter to IOC President Jacque Rogge and wanted to meet with Rogge to discuss how China is using the Olympics to legitimize their rule in Tibet.

Roxborough took my name and numbers and said that he’d call me back.
So now I am waiting. And if you read this Robert - I trust that you will call me back soon.

§ 14 Responses to “Trying to meet the IOC President”

  • [...] just posted a video of herself trying to arrange a meeting with the president of the International Olympics Committee, [...]

  • alma says:

    ha! i wish i could have seen the look on HIS face when you called.

  • jigdul says:

    None other than “US” Tibetans can understand the plight of our own People!.. it is upto the Tibetans to bring forward the movement and put it into full force and take the matter to heart!!! Lhadon la’s action should not to waste!! And so should not the lives of those in Tibet!!! It is the cause of our life time… and we owe it to those who laid their lives for us, who are alive today, so that we can go back to our own country !!!! It would be much greater of a loss should we need to be reminded of the significance of such action!!!

    Bhod Rangzen!!!! Victory to the freedom frighters!!!!!

  • Tsunami says:

    Hey Lhadon!
    I just worte to Jacques Rogge asking when he is going to call you. I hope he will do the right thing. Or Beijing 08 is going to be the most shameful olympics in history.
    By the way, we all can contact him at [email protected]

  • Schnookums says:

    I hope Rogge has the sense to meet with you. It would be truly shameful if he is too cowardly to talk to you and hear your views. I would lose what little respect I have for the Olympics as an organization if they ignore you when you’re right there in Beijing, asking just to talk about Tibetans’ concerns.

  • JR says:

    Fantastic work! In the 60s and 70s the Chinese just blatantly destroyed Tibetan culture- now, conversely, they destroy it by promoting it (including with the Olympics) and making it into a Disneyland so that everyone will forget what is actually happening there.

    Good Luck!!!

  • wangyal says:

    Dear Lhadon
    i really admire your kind of woman who is doing everything for one nation, thanks alot and we will stand by you forever and pray for you. you are not alone and walk forward.

    yours sincerely


  • Well done Lhadon la.Take care and we are behind you.

  • Sonam Tseten says:

    Dear Lhadon la,
    Thank you for all your hard work and sacrifice. It is a great inspiration to see your leadership and hard work.
    Thank You
    Sonam Tseten

  • lobsang choephel says:

    dear lhadon,
    thank you very much for doin all these things to us,,, we all are with u and we all will prey for u. together we can make a u for ur work….keep goin and one day our tibet will be free… free tibet….

  • K mui says:

    I am so very proud of you Lhadon!…you are no longer the “little alladin”. You and your team are being heard here in Canada (and all over) and there is more discussions about”boycott”. Your peaceful demonstrations have been shown on the news and they are making a difference. I wish you and Tibet peace.

  • [...] largest of China’s blog portal websites for example, devoted its front and center coverage of the one year countdown party exclusively to what celebrities, mostly those who were up on stage in Tiananmen square singing the [...]

  • Libanen says:

    Cut Tibet off China, two worlds, two nightmares!!!!

  • Glen KIM says:

    Check the website out.

    Umpire’s name is Ron, SHEWCHUK umpiring a game of Korea vs. Japan in Beijing Olympic 2008.

    Listen, folks.

    Did he really have to say ‘the fuck’ word while he’s talking?

  • § Leave a Reply

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