China has invited the world to visit in August 2008. Exactly one year out, I've traveled to the heart of the nation that has brutally occupied my homeland for over 50 years. Follow this blog, as I share what I see, feel, and experience... leaving Beijing wide open.

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A message from the Golden Gate Bridge


Comment from Sally
Time: April 8, 2008, 12:02 pm

Lhadon! You guys are all doing such great work. I am so proud of you!! You’re doing an amazing job of showing the world the truth. I wish you all the best.

Comment from Cindy and Bill Hipple
Time: April 8, 2008, 3:49 pm

you go lala

Comment from stephen
Time: April 8, 2008, 5:56 pm

Coffee sippers who think it might be a good idea to free Tibet from China are about 58 years too late. China is not going to free Tibet, and Western encouragement of Tibetan resistance will only get people killed needlessly.

Tibet was part of China for centuries. In 1913, when China seemed to be falling apart, the British Empire encouraged Tibet to declare its independence. It did, and that lasted until 1950, when, at the end of the Chinese civil war, China invaded and reclaimed the area. By then, the impotent British Empire was in no position to help anyone even if it had been so inclined. America chose to do nothing.

If you are not willing to make your way to the Tibetan plateau and face Chinese guns and prisons, then you certainly should not sit around some coffee shop and urge Tibetans to do so. Tibet is a strategic area of China, and the Chinese government is not going to give it up or grant it independence or even autonomy. To paraphrase a famous outlaw, it is enough that we know that China will do what it has to do.

As for us, we should do nothing. Tibet is part of China, and what happens there is an internal affair of China. The rest of the world has no right to interfere, and other than bloviating for a while, I seriously doubt that it will. Unfortunately, in this age of global communications even bloviating can cause bad things to happen to people.

Boycotting the Olympics is a foolish idea by a tiny minority of fanatics. The Olympics have nothing to do with Tibet, just as they had nothing to do with the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Boycotting the games would be a cruel blow to athletes who have been sweating and training for four years. It would accomplish nothing. It would further politicize the games, which should be encouraged to return to their amateur status.

China was awarded the Summer Games in a fair international competition and has spent a lot of money getting ready for them. Any attempt to spoil the games will do a great disservice to the athletes, the Chinese government and the Chinese people. It will do nothing positive and will only harden attitudes and end up making the world even more dangerous than it already is.

Americans in particular should keep in mind that we are currently engaged in mismanaging two occupations of two countries that we illegally invaded. Neither enterprise is going well. Neither is our economy. In short, we have enough on our own plate without trying to steal a bite off of China’s plate. We should make sure that Afghanistan and Iran are the last wheezes of the sick American Empire and shut it down and return to our republic.

I don’t know why some Americans seem to have trouble realizing that the days of the European empires are over. Part of the problem is that we have way too many vocational intellectuals and way too few real intellects. A vocational intellectual is someone who makes a living writing or talking. Such people tend to live inside their heads. Delusions of grandeur and fantasies about the real world are constant occupational hazards for such people.

No country in the world has to do what we tell it to do. Certainly that’s the case with the big powers like China, Russia, Japan and India. As you can see every day in your morning paper, even a little country like Iraq can cause us more trouble than it’s worth. It’s a crime against humanity that our sons and daughters are dying in the desert dust while fat politicians cavort about in Washington. Don’t encourage Tibetans to die in some futile fantasy about independence. They are not independent. They are part of China, and part of China they will stay.

Comment from June
Time: April 8, 2008, 10:06 pm

I can’t express enough my admiration and appreciation. Well planned. Well thoughtout. Absolutely fantastic. I love you all. I can’t just say a few words to show my appreciation. I wrote an article and please check it out:

I would appreciate if someone could forward my article to the Golden Gate Bridge Three and the other 4 organizers. Thank you for doing this to let the world know. Awesome. Beautiful. Brave. Love you!

Comment from Ugyen Shola
Time: April 8, 2008, 10:55 pm

Thank you Lhadon la for everything that you guys are doing. I sincerely appreciate it. We are doing whatever we can here locally in Portland.

Comment from JM
Time: April 9, 2008, 1:29 am

Comment from JM
Time: April 9, 2008, 1:29 am

May the truth be found through looking at both sides!

Comment from No Where
Time: April 9, 2008, 3:26 am

Buddha told the mouse and man, the sea of bitterness has no bounds, repent and the shore is at hand.

Comment from Oxblood
Time: April 9, 2008, 9:06 am

I’d like to thank Lhadon for her leadership and commitment. Good on you.

I’d also like to address some comments offered by Stephen, above. What a load of sh*t. It’s difficult to figure out where this kind of thinking comes from. The Wharton MBA program? Rush Limbaugh? A troglodyte?

Stephen, you needn’t distress yourself should Tibetans continue to resist Chinese occupation of their country. Tibetans are even more tough than they are non-violent. They’ll do quite well without your supercilious critique of this injustice.

Comment from Paul Malouf
Time: April 9, 2008, 9:08 am

Lhadon … keep up the great work!

Tibet is a bell-weather of what China is all about. Their will to dominate… blind to compassion, deaf to dissent, dumb in their unwillingness to speak the truth.

Between Tibet & Olympics, I choose Tibet!
Between Human Rights & Sport, I choose Human Rights!
Human Rights for Tibet!

A possible solution is the one proposed by the Dalai Lama: 1) Beijing restores the old ‘priest-ruler’ relationship 2) Tibet recognizes China’s political mastery & military presence 3) China accepts Tibet’s genuine internal autonomy 4) ceases Han immigration & 5) allows the Dalai Lama to return.

Free citizens can boycott products of Olympic corporate sponsors!
Boycott Olympic CBC/NBC coverage!!
Free citizens can boycott as many Chinese Products as possible!!!
Political leaders must boycott Beijing 2008 Opening ceremonies!!!!

Gold Silver & Bronze in China, NOT LEAD in Tibet!!!!!

Comment from JamesH
Time: April 9, 2008, 9:59 am

Apparently the world has gone insane. In the past century people fought for resources, which is rational, albeit evil. However, today, westerners are instigating war over culture, bigotry, and ignorance. Nothing has changed. Their forefathers colonized Africans to impose their culture onto them. Today, they are forcing western culture on China. Western society and culture is a VIRULENT DISEASE.

If westerners still carry on their crusade of cultural imperialism then China will probably go to war. And I personally believe, although most Chinese would be averse to war, every one of them will fight to the death for this cause. Because they are fighting against bigotry and ignorance.

Comment from YZhang
Time: April 10, 2008, 12:30 am

What do you want from Us?
—— A Poem Dedicated to the last 150 years of this planet.

By a Slient, Silent Chinese.

When We were called Sick man of Asia, We were called The Peril.
When We are billed to be the next Superpower, We are called The threat.

When We were closed our doors, You smuggled Drugs to Open Markets.
When We Embrace Freed Trade, You blame us for Taking away your jobs.

When We were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your “fair
When We were putting the broken peices together again, “Free Tibet” you
screamed, “it was an invasion!”

( When Woodrow Wilson Couldn’t give back Birth Place of Confucius back to Us,
But He did bought a ticket for the Famine Relief Ball for us.)

So, We Tried Communism, You hated us for being Communists
When We embrace Capitalism, You hate us for being Capitalist.

When We have a Billion People, you said we were destroying the planet.
When We are tried limited our numbers, you said It was human rights abuse.

When We were Poor, You think we are dogs.
When We Loan you cash, You blame us for your debts.

When We build our industries, You called us Polluters.
When we sell you goods, You blame us for global warming.

When We buy oil, You called that exploitation and Genocide.
When You fight for oil, You called that Liberation.

When We were lost in Chaos and rampage, You wanted Rules of Law for us.
When We uphold law and order against Violence, You called that Violating
Human Rights.

When We were silent, You said you want us to have Free Speech.
When We were silent no more, You say we were Brainwashed-Xenophoics.

Why do you hate us so much? We asked.
“No,” You Answered, “We don’t hate You.”

We don’t Hate You either,
But Do you understand us?

“Of course We do,” You said,
“We have AFP, CNN and BBCs…”

What do you really want from us?
Think Hard first, then Answer…

Because you only get so many chances,
Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for this one world.

We want One World, One Dream, And Peace On Earth.
- This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us.

Comment from lennon
Time: April 10, 2008, 1:59 pm

hi there,
just wanted to say……was pretty impressed they way you guys have carried out this whole protest……
hats off…..
you guys seriously rock.

one quick question……do u guys have an indian bank account no into which payments can be made towards the SFT movement?


Comment from veritas
Time: April 10, 2008, 11:51 pm

like some readers before me, i really encourage everyone to look at BOTH sides of the issue.

i am not saying that china does not have its flaws. i was among the disappointed spectators yesterday when i saw how the relay was disrupted, when i saw the clashes between the two factions. more than anything, it was disheartening to see how viciously people lashed out at each other. and then, how the media ate it all up. earlier you mentioned how a few seconds of sound byte on air were not enough to convey your message — what about the voices of thousands of the supporters out there who were not even entitled to those precious few seconds of air time?

the news yesterday night consisted of talking about the protestors, with only a passing glance at the supporters that also came out. in this respect, how can you say that western media is any better than the chinese government controlled xinhua news agency?

i really encourage everyone to gather the facts themselves. if you want to make the olympics political, at least understand the issue first.

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